
The article substantiates the influence of bilingualism and mixed-lingualism on the collective unconscious of people, in general, and the dynamics of the ethnic group’s passionarity, in particular. Language is considered as a matrix of the collective unconscious, which is one of the factors changing the passionarity energy. Association dictionaries of Ukrainian-speaking, Russian-speaking and mixed-speaking bilinguals were composed; these dictionaries consist of 32 words-stimuli and associative reactions to them and were compiled by the results of an association experiment, which was attended by 360 students of A. S. Makarenko State Pedagogical University in Sumy. The performed analysis of the associative dictionaries confirms that Russian-speaking bilinguals have more paradigmatic (associative) responses by contrast. The syntagmation (predicative) reactions of mixed-speakers are more similar to the reaction of investigated Ukrainian-speakers, and the paradigmatic (associative) reactions of mixed-speakers respondents are more similar to the reaction of Russian-speaking than that of Ukrainian-speaking people. It is proved that associations can influence the formation of norms, values, behaviour patterns, gestalts, archetypes, etc. The transfer of meanings of goodness, justice, love, and so on onto social groups of other scales can become one of the excitation mechanisms of the passionarity energy.  Meanings, norms, and behaviour stereotypes, etc. can be fixed in the collective unconscious and language and passed on to descendants during native language mastering, relatively independent of modern culture. The reasons for the passionarity surges and passionarity decreases are not related to gene mutations, as L. M. Humilev, the author of the “Passion theory of ethnogenesis”, stated, but to changes in the relations between language, collective unconscious, environment, an individual’s level of consciousness and performed activities, which determine the passionarity differentiation – a reduced number of harmonious individuals and an increased number of passionars and subpassionars. During the natural development of an ethnic group, the number and quality of the means displaying universal values is growing, both in the language and in the collective unconscious of the ethnic group, which leads to a large number of harmonic individuals and decreased passionarity energy. &nbsp

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