
Stylistics as an interdisciplinary field of study has evolved over the years as it encompasses theories and approaches of contemporary times from language, literature, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, and anthropology. Since the core to stylistics is language, the present research aims to address the ramifications of Colonization in the poetic works of Agha Shahid Ali. The sample for the study to explore the stylistic features is Language Games. The selected text has been investigated on graphological, phonological, lexical, syntactical, pragmatics and discourse levels of stylistic analysis to expose the hidden and profound meanings. The expressive means of the selected work have been interpreted using lens of Postcolonialism to relate the work with larger socio-cultural contexts. The poem’s stylistic analysis reveals the lament of the poet for his lost language and identity. The cost of learning a new language is the loss of one's native language. The lexical choices, parallel structures, and foregrounding function effectively highlight the major and minor themes of the selected text. This study also exposes Agha Shahid’s unique poetic style that distinguishes him as a great poet. This study affirms that stylistics links as a bridge two vital disciplines i.e., linguistics and literature. Language carries thoughts which need to be explored. This study has focused on all such features that the poet, knowing the importance of language, selected very carefully to carry his message. This research helps students understand the significant connection and bondage between language features and literature.

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