
Early Childhood makes a positive contribution to children’s long term development and learning by facilitating an enabling and stimulating environment in these foundation stages of lifelong learning. Parents as caregivers are critical in providing a stimulating learning environment to the child and the first two and a half to three years need not be in a formal learning environment. The National Curriculum Framework acknowledges the significance of involvement of parents, family and community. India has a tradition of valuing the early years of a child’s life, and a rich heritage of cultural practices for stimulating development and inculcating “sanskaras” or basic values and social skills in children. In the past this was delivered primarily within joint families, through traditional child caring practices which were commonly shared and passed on from one generation to another. However, there have been changes in the family as well as social context in the last few decades. Families and communities represent vast geographic, social, cultural, linguistic, and economic diversity within the country. Children also differ in their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive capacities. Urban and rural communities offer different types of opportunities and face distinct challenges in providing good quality early care and learning experiences to children. Socio –economic status as well as social and cultural diversity characterize the nature of family life and the context for growing up in India. Language & Communication development is always in line with the growth of the child. Parents should always pay attention to these development, because at this time, largely determines the learning process. This can be done by giving a good example, to motivate children to learn. Parents are largely responsible for the success of children's learning and should always strive to improve the potential of children in order to develop optimally. This study seeks to describe the language and communication challenges are at the early childhood. Language and communication challenges are divided into different types. Start early period this early lingual child starts to say the word & communicated - first word which is the most amazing moment for parents. The challenges that affect languages & communication in Hearing impairment which is family relationship, peer relationships and personality.

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