
Introduction: Some Similarities and Differences Between L1 and L2 Acquisition and Development - Brian Tomlinson Part I. Critical Reviews of the Literature 1. The Role of Proto-Reading Activities in the Acquisition and Development of Effective Reading Skills - Hitomi Masuhara 2. The Transfer of Reading from the Language of Wider Communication to the First Language - Agatha van Ginkel 3. The Processing of Past Tense Verbs for L1 Learners of English - Natalie Barber 4. The Roles of Audio-Visual Mental Aids in the Development of First and Other Language Proficiency - Brian Tomlinson and Javier Avilla 5. Applications of the Research into the Roles of Audio-Visual Mental Aids for Language Teaching Pedagogy - Brian Tomlinson and Javier Avilla. 6. Internalization and Language Acquisition - James Lantolf and Beatriz Centeno-Cortes 7. Affect in L2 Teacher Talk - Jane Arnold and Carmen Fonseca 8. The Attitudes of Language Learners Towards Target Varieties of the Language - Ivor Timmis Part II. Research Reports 9. The Value of Recasting During Meaning Focused Activities 1 - Brian Tomlinson 10. The Value of Recasting During Meaning Focused Activities 2 - Javier Avilla 11. Output Like Input: Influence of Children's Literature on Young L2 Learners' Written Expression - Irma Kaarina Ghosn 12. The Value of Comprehension in the Early Stages of the Acquisition and Development of Bahasa Indonesia by Native and by Non-Native Speakers - Erlin Susanti Barnard 13. Classroom Reticence in the Learning of Vietnamese and of English in Vietnam - Bao Dat 14. A 'Sort of' Puzzle for Non- Native-Like Fluency - Luke Prodromou 15. Perceptions of Culture By British Students Learning French - Catherine von Knorring 16. A Blind Learner in EFL Mainstream Courses: A Case Study at The Lebanese American University - Nola Bacha Conclusions - Brian Tomlinson.

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