
U svom značajnom djelu Prokopije iz Cezareje spominje i neke činjenice iz zanimljivog života Ildigisa, nasljednika langobardskog trona, koji, međutim, nije nikad postao kraljem. Bizantski autor također spominje i Slavene što je vrlo važno za njihovu povijest u 6. stoljeću. Dugotrajne rasprave među povjesničarima nisu dovele do jedinstvenog zaključka o smještaju naselja Ildigisovih slavenskih saveznika. Sve veći broj arheoloških nalaza koji se mogu povezati s tim problemom omogućuje da u raspravi sudjeluju i arheolozi. U članku se analiziraju moguće interpretacije Prokopijevih navoda i različite ideje o točnom položaju slavenskih naselja koja spominje. Te se teorije razmatraju u svjetlu dostupnih arheoloških podataka, posebice stoga što moderne metode omogućuju precizno datiranje nalaza, a sve veći broj arheoloških podataka iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Rumunjske i ostalih zemalja omogućuje novi pristup problemu najranijih slavenskih naselja.


  • In his great work Procopius of Caesarea provided some facts about the eventful life of Ildigis, successor to the Langobard throne, who had never become king

  • The passage shall be used to discuss attempts to locate the settlements of these tribes that have hitherto been undertaken by researchers

  • A Lombard king, Tato, was murdered by his nephew and heir Wacho, who, after this deed, had only one rival to the throne, a cousin, Risiulf. Considering those circumstances, Risiulf could not feel safe in the Lombard realm and before long, a pretext was found to send him into exile

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Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper

In his great work Procopius of Caesarea provided some facts about the eventful life of Ildigis, successor to the Langobard throne, who had never become king. It is possible that the core of the army consisted of Gepids, who were especially interested in a war against the Byzantine Empire, as they were already in conflict with the Empire and the Lombards This remark leads us indirectly to the problem of the location of the settlements of the Slav tribes supporting Ildigis; let us first discuss the second question – the size of the army. Two main points provide evidence contrary to this thesis These lands were too close to regions ruled by the Lombards, and second, it is not certain whether present-day Slovakia was occupied by Slavs in the period of Ildigis’s exile.[26] According to Gabriel Fusek,[27] Slavs arrived in the Carpathian Basin only at the turn of the sixth and seventh centuries, in the first phase of the Prague Culture. Additional information about the residence of Lombards in Slavic territories could be acquired through renewed analysis and interpretation of foreign elements in early Slavic culture, especially those that have been hitherto assumed to be proof of contacts between Germanic and Slavic tribes

Fredegar Jordanes Paul the Deacon Procopius of Caesarea
Langobardski poglavar Ildigis i Slaveni
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