
Langmuir probe studies have been performed on rf (27.1 MHz) discharges in O2 under planar reactor conditions to determine the axial variation of the plasma parameters (positive ion density, electron temperature, and dc space potential) as a function of pressure (20–220 Pa) and power (10–150 W) or current (0.1–2 A). By monitoring the second derivative of the I–V probe characteristics, the suppression of the rf component in the probe circuit can be optimized. Referring to this problem, numerical studies provide relations for the determination of the residual rf component as well as of the dc component of the plasma potential at incomplete rf compensation. The positive ion density is obtained from the ion saturation currents. Here the effect of collisions between ions and neutral particles within the probe sheath (for p> 100 Pa) is considered. The electron energy distribution function is found to be of the Maxwellian type for all discharge conditions investigated here. If the pressure and the power exceed critical values, the axial charge carrier distribution is characterized by a valley formation in the bulk plasma center. This fact demonstrates that secondary electron emission due to ion impact on the electrode surfaces and following ionization by these electrons near the sheaths in front of the electrodes are significant processes for sustaining the discharge. At low pressures (p≤60 Pa) the dc plasma potential was found to be identical with the half-peak maintaining voltage of the discharge, in agreement with the model idea of a symmetric rf planar discharge where the rf voltage drop across the bulk plasma can be neglected. For growing pressure, however, the plasma system moves gradually toward a situation where the V-I characteristics of the discharge are significantly controlled by processes in the bulk plasma. This transition depends on the current density.

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