
We assessed landslide susceptibility using Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID), exhaustive CHAID, and Quick, Unbiased, and Efficient Statistical Tree (QUEST) decision tree models in Jumunjin-eup, Gangneung-si, Korea. A total of 548 landslides were identified based on interpretation of aerial photographs. Half of the 548 landslides were selected for modeling, and the remaining half were used for verification. We used 20 landslide control factors that were classified into five categories, namely topographic elements, hydrological elements, soil maps, forest maps, and geological maps, to determine landslide susceptibility. The relationships of landslide occurrence with landslide-inducing factors were analyzed using CHAID, exhaustive CHAID, and QUEST models. The three models were then verified using the area under the curve (AUC) method. The results showed that the CHAID model (AUC = 87.1%) was more accurate than the exhaustive CHAID (AUC = 86.9%) and QUEST models (AUC = 82.8%). The verification results showed that the CHAID model had the highest accuracy. There was high susceptibility to landslides in mountainous areas and low susceptibility in coastal areas. Analyzing the characteristics of the landslide control factors in advance will enable us to obtain more accurate results.


  • Landslides are natural disasters that can cause serious losses to both human life and property

  • Landslides are closely related to the slope of the terrain and high-slope terrain generally occurs in mountainous areas

  • Joints in the rock can contribute to Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1545 rock strength and structural characteristics

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Landslides are natural disasters that can cause serious losses to both human life and property. With 70% of its total area covered by mountainous terrain, Korea is susceptible to landslides. In addition to these topographical conditions, heavy rainfall in summer and high rainfall due to typhoons increases the likelihood of landslides [1]. TToo cchhoooossee tthhee mmoosstt aapppprroopprriiaattee aapppprrooaacchheess ttoo mmiinniimmiizzee tthhee ddaammaaggee ccaauusseedd bbootthh ddiirreeccttllyy aanndd iinnddiirreeccttllyy bbyy llaannddsslliiddeess,, wwee mmuusstt ffiirrsstt iiddeennttiiffyy tthhee aarreeaass tthhaatt aarree ssuusscceeppttiibbllee ttoo llaannddsslliiddeess aanndd wwhheerree tthheeyy aarree mmoosstt lliikkeellyy ttoo ooccccuurr [[33,,44]]. TThhee mmoosstt ccoommmmoonn aapppprrooaacchh uusseedd ttoo iiddeennttiiffyy llaannddsslliiddee--ssuusscceeppttiibbllee aarreeaass iiss ((ggeeooggrraapphhiicc iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ssyysstteemm)) GGIISS--bbaasseedd llaannddsslliiddee ssuusscceeppttiibbiilliittyy aasssseessssmmeennttss,, wwhhiicchh iinncclluuddee vvaarriioouuss ccllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn--bbaasseedd mmeetthhooddss,, ssuucchh aass ssttaattiissttiiccaall,, mmaacchhiinnee lleeaarrnniinngg,, aanndd pprroobbaabbiilliissttiicc aapppprrooaacchheess [[55,,66]].

Data and Pre-Processing
66.. Conclusions
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