
BIM is penetrating more and more areas of human activity. Currently, it is not only volume or infrastructure objects that are being digitised, but also public spaces such as parks. To achieve this, a number of BIM tools are used to build a LIM model. The LIM model can contain a quantum of information necessary for the park management process. A municipality, for example, can use the LIM model to perform ongoing maintenance or plan rearrangements of the park space. The model itself can serve as a database for the reconstruction of a park in the event of its destruction, e.g. by forces of nature. This paper presents the LIM model of Ołtarzew Park in Ożarów Mazowiecki (Poland), which can serve as a model for building similar models in other cases. In addition to the construction methodology, examples of analyses are presented and the benefits and advantages of using a LIM are described.

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