
The spectral signature curve behavior of basalt and its relationship with the surface reflectance (SR) values of Landsat 8 OLI data, (Operational Land Imager), is considered as the key factor for determination of the sensitive response bands for basalt interaction to be used in both Object-Oriented Principal Components (PCA) & Independent Component (ICA) analyses. Also, it is extremely beneficial in develop mathematical formulas which express the best band ratios for the precise illustration and mapping of basalts. The integration of those sensitive bands and the three mentioned methods are the main objectives of the present investigation. This should permit to create the basalt spatial distribution map for a given area. These methods were applied in west central Sinai, Egypt.The measured spectral signature reflectance curve of the basalt was resampled to meet the spectral characteristics of Landsat 8 bands, both curves were carefully examined to determine the most significant response bands for basalts; which were found to be bands 4, 5, 6 and 7. The examined spectral behavior led to three significant band ratios. Moreover, two false color composite (PC1, PC2, PC4) and (IC4, IC3, IC1) in RGB, were determined by execution and examination of the PCA and ICA images, respectively of the study area.ERDAS Imagine (2010) and ArcGIS 10.3 packages were used for digital/mathematical processing steps and to apply the resulted models on the study area.

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