
Harvestmen have a general distribution pattern with more species and higher abundance in forests than in open habitats, as previously verified in mountain Cantabrian areas of northern Spain, of the Orocantabrian Province. The study of harvestmen of the low Cantabrian areas of the adjacent biogeographic Cantabro-Atlantic Province is highly appropriate to determine the influence of biogeographic position on the main diversity parameters and the effect of different land uses on harvestman assemblages. The main types of managed habitats (forest plantations and secondary grasslands), together with natural forests, non-planted young forests, shrublands and habitat boundaries were continuously sampled with seven pitfall traps during 1 year at 28 sites. The harvestman assemblages were classified using six different analyses, and indicator species were identified. The spatial patterns of harvestman diversity in low areas differed from those of mountain areas, although they have 15 species in common. Remarkably, higher average harvestman species richness was measured in low Cantabrian areas than in mountain areas. Shrublands and boundaries were the most species-rich habitats. Forested areas were the poorest in abundance, and were not the habitats richest in harvestman species, though they had higher average richness than mountain Cantabrian forests. Grasslands had a unique harvestman composition with significant extraordinary abundances, in particular of Homalenotus quadridentatus (indicator species of this habitat) and H. laranderas. Interestingly, H. laranderas, Paroligolophus agrestis and Ischyropsalis hispanica, indicator species of some open habitats in low Cantabrian areas, have recently been shown to be indicators of shady forests in mountain Cantabrian territories.

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