
There are many questions concerning land use of Japan in the Tokugawa Shogunate. At. Ioi-mura, a small village in the Nara basin, many documents and old maps in the Tokugawa Shogunate are extant. They are cadastres at the end of the seventeenth century, and documents in which various kinds of. planted crops in each strip were registered. The present writer tried to draw the maps, which the contents of these documents are shown as far as possible, and further, to make clear the characteristics of land use in this village in the Tokugawa Shogunate. There was cotton production besides rice production in this village. Cotton was one of the most important crops in the southwestern part of Japan, although its production fell into decay after about 1890 by the pressure of imported raw cotton. In Kinai (Osaka. Kyoto, Nara and their neibourhood), where the agriculture had progressed more than other districts from ancient times, cotton was planted not only in upland fields, but also in paddy fields alternately with rice every other year. This fact has already been pointed` out by Japanese historians, but it has never been verified. The above mentioned maps, the writer believes, make this fact concrete and clear. For instance, if we compare the map of planted crops in 1697 with that of the succeediag year, 1698, we find the following points: in those strips where cotton was planted in 1697, rice was planted in 1698, and vise versa. This alternation was done regularly. These strips, in which rice or cotton was planted, made some groups respectively, although each strip in a group was owned by different farmer. It seems that each farmer could not plant cotton or rice as he wanted in each paddy fields, that is, there was some agreement or the community regulations how to plant them.

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