
This study calculated the total carbon emissions of Hubei during 2001–2011 referenced IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories based on four major carbon-emitting including energy consumption, agricultural production, animal husbandry, waste. We also analyzed 2011 carbon emissions from the industrial structure, source structure, the structure of land carbon emissions, and studied the timing characteristics of carbon emissions and decoupled state in Hubei Province during 2001–2010. The results show that: (1) Energy consumption growth rate is higher than the growth rate of carbon emissions, which is a major source of carbon emissions increase. (2) The unexpected output models can be applied to land use carbon emission efficiency measure. (3) Technological progress is the main factor in land use carbon emission efficiency of Hubei province. (4) Land use carbon emissions static efficiency is so different from city to city in Hubei province, and Wuhan, Yichang, Xiangyang are effective.

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