
AbstractFew studies have considered interactive effects of grazing and drought on species composition and the relative contribution of species to total biomass, although it is important to understand the short‐term dynamics and community succession in grazed ecosystems. We monitored species diversity and relative biomass contribution at one site protected from grazing since 1979 (UG79), and at winter grazing (WG) and heavily grazed (HG) sites. Continuous heavy grazing resulted in lower plant height and more but small individuals (tillers or stolons). Drought significantly reduced total plant density on all sites. Grazing affected species diversity more than drought. Species richness at site UG79 was significantly higher than at sites WG and HG, while drought only tended to reduce species diversity. Drought stress and grazing disturbance interactively controlled species competition and functional groups. Both perennial grasses and forbs had greater contribution to total biomass at site UG79, and perennial grasses contributed more than 97% of total biomass at site WG. The contribution to total biomass of annual forbs and semi‐shrubs significantly increased at site HG after two dry years. The significant decrease in Potentilla acaulis and a substantial increase in annual species at this site indicate that the perennial vegetation of this ecosystem is in great danger of extinction under conditions of prolonged drought.

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