
We have developed a physical-based split-window Land Surface Temperature (LST) algorithm for retrieving the surface temperature from SEVIRI/MSG1 (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager/Meteosat Second Generation1) data in two thermal infrared bands (IR 10.8 and IR 12.0). The proposed algorithm takes into account the SEVIRI angular dependence. The numerical values of the split-window coefficients have been obtained from a statistical regression method, using synthetic data. The look-up tables for atmospheric transmission, path radiance, and downward thermal irradiance are calculated with the MODTRAN3 code. The new LST algorithm has been tested with simulated SEVIRI/MSG1 data over a wide range of atmospheric and surface conditions. Comprehensive sensitivity and error analyses have been undertaken to evaluate the performance of the proposed LST algorithm and its dependence on surface properties, the ranges of atmospheric conditions and surface temperatures, and on the noise-equivalent temperature difference. The results show that the algorithm is capable of producing LST with a standard deviation lower than 1.5 K for viewing zenith angles lower than 50°. Since MSG1 is becoming fully operational in 2004, the proposed algorithm will allow MSG1 users to obtain surface temperatures immediately.

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