
The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) has specified the need to systematically generate andvalidate Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. This document provides recommendations on goodpractices for the validation of LST products. Internationally accepted definitions of LST, emissivity andassociated quantities are provided to ensure the compatibility across products and reference data sets. Asurvey of current validation capabilities indicates that progress is being made in terms of up-scaling and insitu measurement methods, but there is insufficient standardization with respect to performing andreporting statistically robust comparisons.Four LST validation approaches are identified: (1) Ground-based validation, which involvescomparisons with LST obtained from ground-based radiance measurements; (2) Scene-based intercomparisonof current satellite LST products with a heritage LST products; (3) Radiance-based validation,which is based on radiative transfer calculations for known atmospheric profiles and land surface emissivity;(4) Time series comparisons, which are particularly useful for detecting problems that can occur during aninstrument's life, e.g. calibration drift or unrealistic outliers due to undetected clouds. Finally, the need foran open access facility for performing LST product validation as well as accessing reference LST datasets isidentified.

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