
Land suitability evaluation analysis is necessary to achieve optimum management and utilization of the available land resources for sustainable agricultural crops production. The objective of this study was to determine the suitable of Kubanni floodplain for rice production in Zaria Kaduna State Nigeria. Qualitative and quantitative land suitability evaluation of two mapping units in Kubanni floodplain which covers an area of 11.6 ha was carried using the detailed soil survey method of classification. Generally, the surface texture was sandy loam to loam. The soil reactions were slightly acidic to neutral, organic carbon, available phosphorus and total nitrogen were rated low. The CEC (NH4OAc) were medium and Base saturation was rated high while EC and ESP were low. Qualitatively, soil mapping units KBI and KBII were currently not suitable (N1) for rice production due to limitation imposed by soil chemical properties. Quantitatively the two units were also currently not suitable (N1) but KBII was marginally suitable (S3) potentially. With proper soil fertility management, the potentials of these soils can be raise to moderately suitable (S2) for rice through increase in organic matter to improve soil structural development, drainage and aeration thereby improving the fertility of the soils.

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