
Special-purpose programs and documents on environmental protection and sustainable development adopted at the international and regional levels demonstrate the world community’s equal attention to economic, social and environmental components as well as their recognition that with the degradation of natural environment human society’s development is impossible. At the same time, creation and development of a system of specially protected natural reservations is an integral part of the country’s nature protection system, which ensures preservation and restoration of landscape and biological diversity sufficient to maintain natural systems ability to self-regulate and compensate for the consequences of anthropogenic activities. The real mechanism for organizing the rational use of land territories and regulating land relations is land management, which solves the entire range of legal, socio-economic and environmental issues. Therefore, all actions related to the formation of some new and reorganization of existing specially protected natural reservations, organization of land rational use should be carried out only in accordance with land management procedures. The inconsistency and unsystematic nature of land management work in recent years, the involvement of incompetent organizations in implementing that work led to the fact that decisions related to the land use were made without appropriate legal, economic and environmental justification, without compliance with requirements for rational use of territories and their protection. The above-mentioned actions resulted in a number of problems in organization of rational use of territories of all categories, including land of specially protected reservations and objects. The above said statement determines the need to improve the regulatory and methodological support for formation and functioning of specially protected natural reservations of federal, regional and local significance.

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