
The politics of Indonesia’s national land law is based on the principle of fulfilling the constitutional rights of every citizen of the land. The land according to Indonesian positive law is used for the general welfare of Indonesian People. In 2001, with the issuance of MPR RI Decree No.IX / MPR-RI / 2001 concerning Agrarian Reform and Natural Resource Management is the momentum of the agrarian reform program. Agrarian reform is implemented gradually by allocating land for the poor. The problem is: the distribution of the land is not right on target, the existence of a land mafia, bribery of the National Land Agency and the annexation of community land by the investor. Karo Regency became one of the areas which received land allocation from conversion forest.This research method is empirical legal research. This research uses primary data. This research use legal benefit theory (utilitarian) by Jeremy Bentham. Based on legal benefit theory, that agrarian reform by giving land conversion to the poor is an alternative effort of government to give decent living and fulfillment of constitutional rights of Indonesian citizen and eradicate poverty.

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