
Summary. The work provides the terminological definitions of land art based on consideration of its subject, poetics and special aspects of creating an art image; reviews the course of land art development in the countries of Western world and in Ukraine; establishes and substantiates the typology of land art works; reviews and analyzes the self-organization of land art artists in Ukraine.The term «land art» (from English word «land») means the works created by artists in the natural environment, provided that the natural environment forms a significant semantic and structural part. Land art is a genre-technique, emotionally and semantically charged space created by the artist in the process of creative act. In the work of land art, things (natural phenomena) play an auxiliary role with regard to the art image that is being created in accordance with the author’s idea, however the composition predominately does not have clearly defined boundaries and is perceived by the audience from the inside.The research reviews the course of the land art development as a manifestation of artistic creativity, which is a separate part of the visual culture and, at the same time, a form of consciousness, typical for a specified historical period, of a large community of artists. Land art became widespread in the United States in the late 1960s and in Europe in the 1970s. For Ukrainian art in 1990–2000s.In the course of this research, the typology of land-art works was established and substantiated on the basis of the consideration of works in their semantic-thematic relations, which is inextricably connected with artistic techniques and the specificity of the art image.The following categories were sorted out: neo-ritual, social, and citatory types of land art works. A review of each type is accompanied by an analysis of its ideological and aesthetic peculiarities, descriptions of the corresponding land art compositions of Ukrainian artists are provided.The research considers the institutionalization of the land art artists in Ukraine in the historical dimension. For the first time, information on the numerous initiatives to hold plein-air sessions, festivals, symposiums has been collected and analyzed.

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