
Phlogopite and biotite coexist in the ultrapotassic rocks from Cabezo Negro de Zeneta (SE Spain). The compositional range of the early crystallizing phlogopite is comparable to other Spanish lamproitic occurrences, except that it is higher in Al2O3, probably reflecting the higher Al2O3 and/or different oxygen fugacity of the Zeneta magma. Magmatic Al-rich and metamorphic Al-poor biotites also occur in these rocks. The magmatic biotite probably crystallised from intermediate to silicic peraluminous magma(s), whereas the metamorphic type comes from crustal relics of metapelitic rocks entrained and dismembered into the lamproitic melt. It is concluded that the melt of Zeneta was generated through the mixing of a Mg-rich lamproitic component, quantitatively dominant, with a crustal-derived anatectic component, both already partially crystallised before mixing. The “mixed” melt attained chemical homogenization as suggested by the development of late overgrowths of similar composition on the two micas.

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