
Laminin-5 is a major adhesion protein of the skin basement membrane and crucially involved in integrin-mediated cell substrate attachment of keratinocytes, which is important for hemidesmosomal anchorage as well as for keratinocyte migration during epidermal wound healing. To investigate its role in keratinocyte migration, we analyzed laminin-5-deficient cells of patients with a lethal variant of junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Normal migrating keratinocytes adopted monopolar morphology with a distinct front lamella and employed a continuous mode of translocation. In contrast, laminin-5-deficient cells assumed a stretched bipolar shape with two lamella regions and migrated in a discontinuous, saltatory manner characterized by significantly decreased directional persistence and reduced migration velocity. The distinct morphology as well as the migratory phenotype apparently resulted from a defect in the formation of cell substrate adhesions that were completely missing in the cell body and less stable in the lamella regions. Accordingly in normal keratinocytes, a bipolar shape and a saltatory migration mode were inducible by blocking laminin-5-mediated substrate adhesion. Our findings clearly point to an essential role of laminin-5 in forming dynamic cell substrate adhesion during migration of epidermal keratinocytes and provide an explanation for the cellular mechanisms that underlie the lethal form of junctional epidermolysis bullosa.

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