
Revision of Ab L chains by secondary rearrangement in mature B cells has the potential to change the specific target of the immune response. In this study, we show for the first time that L chain revision is normal and widespread in the largest Ab producing population in man: intestinal IgA plasma cells (PC). Biases in the productive and non-productive repertoire of lambda L chains, identification of the circular products of rearrangement that have the characteristic biases of revision, and identification of RAG genes and protein all reflect revision during normal intestinal IgA PC development. We saw no evidence of IgH revision, probably due to inappropriately orientated recombination signal sequences, and little evidence of kappa-chain revision, probably due to locus inactivation by the kappa-deleting element. We propose that the lambda L chain locus is available and a principal modifier and diversifier of Ab specificity in intestinal IgA PCs.

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