
A cutting-edge manufacturing technology that uses powder or wire as the feeding material and a high-energy heating source is known as metal additive manufacturing (AM). High-performance components for automotive, aerospace, medical, and energy applications are designed and produced using additive manufacturing (AM). In this overview, only laser additive manufacturing (LAM) procedures such as powder bed fusion (PBF) and directed energy deposition are discussed (DED). LAM provides an alternate path for fabricating current designs and permits the creation of new designs with complexity that is not possible with conventional methods. One of the most promising forms of additive manufacturing is laser additive manufacturing, which may produce things at low cost while keeping high value and yield (LAM). Specifically, when it comes to directed energy deposition (DED) or powder bed fusion (PBF), which involve various types of wire-fed, powder fed, and powder-bed assembly, it examines the key metallurgical phenomena that occur during LAM as well as the distinctions between different LAM technological pathways. This study offers a thorough overview of the classification of LAM systems, applications of LAM processes, key processing factors, frequent flaws, mechanical characteristics of manufactured parts, numerous machine-related parameters, and optimization of deposition conditions.

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