
A concurrent decrease in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) condition and Diporeia spp. abundance in Lake Michigan has spurred investigations into possible links between the two phenomena. We examined female lake whitefish δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes, growth, reproductive investment, dorsal muscle total lipid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contents from lakes Erie, Michigan and Superior to determine whether differences in food source were correlated with measures of stock success. Stocks with higher somatic growth rates and mean reproductive potential had higher energy stores in terms of percent total lipid. Stocks with low muscle lipid concentration also had smaller egg sizes as egg number increased. Diet varied among stocks as evidenced by δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analyses; however, muscle total lipid and DHA were not correlated to apparent Diporeia spp. prey use. When compared to stocks from lakes Erie and Superior, Lake Michigan stocks had lower growth, reproduction, and lipid stores. While stocks in Lake Michigan with access to declining Diporeia spp. populations may still feed on the amphipod, it appears that they are unable to consume the quantities necessary to maintain historical growth and reproduction. Stable isotope analyses of lakes Erie and Superior stocks, with higher growth rates and lipid values, indicated different feeding strategies with no indication of reliance on Diporeia spp. While differences in prey resources may have an effect on lake whitefish stocks, differences in Diporeia spp. abundance alone cannot explain differences in lake whitefish condition observed among the Great Lakes included in this study.

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