
This paper describes some ladder loudspeaker column systems with the following characteristics: (1) Equally spaced ladder loud-speaker column. As a result of the study of several methods to expand the vertical polar response at higher frequencies, it becomes evident that an equally spaced ladder array of the component loud-speakers is the most useful and has the following advantages: (i) A wider vertical polar response at middle and higher frequencies and (ii) easy calculation of directively and simple for construction. (2) Unequally spaced ladder loudspeaker column. Based on the analysis (1) above, the vertical polar response of unequally ladder spaced in arithmetical progression array is investigated. The vertical polar responses of the column with five and seven source elements are calculated. The farfield vertical polar response for five source elements are measured. Both calculations and experiments have shown that the new loudspeaker column system is better than the equally spaced ladder loudspeaker column system in so far as to obtain a wider band directivity at higher frequencies is concerned.

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