
Changes in lactate kinetics as a function of exercise intensity have never been measured in an ectotherm. Continuous infusion of a tracer is necessary to quantify rates of lactate appearance (Ra) and disposal (Rd), but it requires double catheterization, which could interfere with swimming. Using rainbow trout, our goals were to: (1) determine the potential effects of catheters and blood sampling on metabolic rate (O2), total cost of transport (TCOT), net cost of transport (NCOT) and critical swimming speed (Ucrit), and (2) monitor changes in lactate fluxes during prolonged, steady-state swimming or graded swimming from rest to Ucrit. This athletic species maintains high baseline lactate fluxes of 24 μmol kg(-1) min(-1) that are only increased at intensities >2.4 body lengths (BL) s(-1) or 85% Ucrit. As the fish reaches Ucrit, Ra is more strongly stimulated (+67% to 40.4 μmol kg(-1) min(-1)) than Rd (+41% to 34.7 μmol kg(-1) min(-1)), causing a fourfold increase in blood lactate concentration. Without this stimulation of Rd during intense swimming, lactate accumulation would double. By contrast, steady-state exercise at 1.7 BL s(-1) increases lactate fluxes to ~30 μmol kg(-1) min(-1), with a trivial mismatch between Ra and Rd that only affects blood concentration minimally. Results also show that the catheterizations and blood sampling needed to measure metabolite kinetics in exercising fish have no significant impact on O2 or TCOT. However, these experimental procedures affect locomotion energetics by increasing NCOT at high speeds and by decreasing Ucrit.

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