
Repetitive stimulation of excitatory synapses triggers molecular events required for signal transfer across neuronal synapses. It has been hypothesized that one of these molecular events, the diffusion of extrasynaptic α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPARs) (i.e., the diffusion hypothesis), is necessary to help synapses recover from paired-pulse depression. To examine this presumed role of AMPAR diffusion during repetitive presynaptic stimulation, a biophysical model based on published physiological results was developed to track the localization and gating of each AMPAR. The model demonstrates that AMPAR gating in short intervals of fewer than 100 ms is controlled by their position in relation to the glutamate release site and by their recovery from desensitization, but it is negligibly influenced by their diffusion. Therefore, these simulations failed to demonstrate a role for AMPAR diffusion in helping synapses recover from paired-pulse depression.

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