
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to address the importance of providing unclaimed corpses and cadavers donated for use in studies, focusing on the training of health professionals, the improvement of professionals already trained in this area and the advance of research, mainly in surgical techniques, in the scope of educational and research institutions, both public and private. It seems unanimous, among the authors who deal with the matter, the view that the use of corpses is irreplaceable in technical training and professional development. There is, however, a lack of the material in question, which in turn is due to a series of difficulties raised here, such as the lack of regulation centers that manage the flow of capture and distribution of cadavers and the decrease in the number of unclaimed corpses. The following problem is thus defined: on the one hand, there is a clear need to obtain human remains for basic education in the health area – fundamentally in the disciplines of Anatomy – for the improvement of professionals in this area and for research – such as the disciplines of surgical techniques –; on the other hand, the lack of cadaveric material is evident, a fact that, by consequence, has been compromising the final quality of health services, especially those of surgical nature. A bibliographic survey was carried out aiming to know the state of the art on the current legislation and on the Bills currently submitted to the National Congress. It was found that, despite the existence of legislation concerning this matter, it is necessary to have legislative-normative improvement to encompass the several demands, including those of the emerging technologies. The legislative process is very slow, taking into account the need indicated here, considering the significant increase in the number of courses in the health area. It is necessary, therefore, that urgent measures be taken to supply the needs in the area, which must necessarily take place through legal and regulatory norms.


  • The sight of a corpse has always caused people disquiet, rarely indifference: some feel repulsed 1 (p. 430); others are anxious and enthusiastic; others feel fearful 2 (p. 305); there are those who enjoy it as morbid entertainment 3 (p. 311): Currently (...) to share images of dying people and ruined corpses has become commonplace on the Internet, to where mostly vernacular photos and videos of accidents, wars, executions, attacks and everything else related to death have converged. ”(p. 312)

  • Human remains consist of the corpse itself or parts of it, the bones and ashes from its cremation, except human cells, tissues and organs intended for transplants and implants, of which transport must comply with the relevant health legislation.4 – corpse: a lifeless human body[5]

  • The topic seems strange and disturbing; there is some prejudice in dealing with this matter, but it is a subject of great complexity, as it involves human remains and should be treated with due respect because of the social, emotional and religious aspects involved, and with the proper consideration

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A Falta de Cadáveres para Ensino e Pesquisa

PALAVRAS-CHAVE –– Cadáver. –– Restos mortais. –– Anatomia. –– Legislação. RESUMO O estudo tem como objetivo abordar a importância da disponibilização de cadáveres não reclamados e de cadáveres doados para utilização em estudos, com foco na formação de profissionais da área da saúde, no aperfeiçoamento de profissionais já formados nessa área e no avanço de pesquisas sobretudo em técnicas cirúrgicas, no âmbito de instituições de ensino e pesquisa, tanto públicas como privadas. Entre os autores que versam sobre a matéria, a opinião de que a utilização de cadáveres é insubstituível na formação técnica e no aperfeiçoamento do profissional. Configura-se, assim, o seguinte problema: por um lado, tem-se a clara necessidade de obtenção de restos mortais humanos para o ensino básico na área da saúde – em se tratando fundamentalmente das disciplinas de Anatomia –, para o aperfeiçoamento de profissionais dessa área e para pesquisa – a exemplo das disciplinas de técnicas cirúrgicas –; por outro lado, é flagrante a carência de material cadavérico, fato que, por via de consequência, vem comprometendo a qualidade final dos serviços de saúde, em especial os de caráter cirúrgico.

36. Turkey
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