
This research paper presents a web application that aims to simplify the hiring and contract assignment of labourers, promoting a more effective and transparent relationship between employers and qualified workers. The application guarantees thorough verification, makes labour registration easier, and makes contract assignments easier. It has an extensive labourer registration module that enables employees to set up profiles with thorough backgrounds and skill sets. Prospective clients are reassured that labourer profiles are authentic by a strong verification mechanism. Customers can peruse an array of au- thenticated workers, making knowledgeable selections predicated on competencies, background, and additional factors. Clients can create, modify, and assign contracts to qualified labourers using an easy-to-use portal that streamlines the contract assignment process. The research explores the impact of the platform on efficiency and transparency, focusing on user satisfaction and adoption rates. Index Terms—labourer, customer, MERN, open source, User friendly, Interface.

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