
Research on word processing is currently the most popular single topic in the study ofhuman-computer interaction, in part because of Card, Moran, and Newell's (1983) powerful keystroke-level model of performance, which requires the logging of keystrokes and latencies. However, many potential researchers in this area are frustrated because of the unavailability of a data-logging word processor for the mM PC. Laboratory MicroStar is a word processor that logs the keystrokes and keystroke latencies of the user. It provides unobtrusive data logging of text entries, commands, and help requests for word-processing research in an mM PC environment. The program was made completely selfdocumenting so that we could log the user's help requests for command information or general information about the program, as well as the actual commands and text entries. Laboratory MicroStar was designed to perform the routine word-processing tasks of our users, such as the writing of term papers, theses, or personal correspondence. Laboratory Microstar was created from the program MicroStar, which is distributed as part of Borland International's Version 1.0 Editor ToolBox (Borland International, 1985). Its commands are largely a subset of the WordStar word-processing program distributed by MicroPro, and the source code is written in Version 3.0 Turbo Pascal with an occasional assembly-language subroutine. MicroStar, although it uses the same commands as does WordStar, is quite different. In the first place, it does not buffer text to disk, but instead edits memory-resident text only. Second, although it accepts WordStar commands from the keyboard, it also has a parallel system of pulldown menus, so that the user can completely bypass keyboard command entry. Finally, it is not a complete wordprocessing program as distributed by Borland; Borland's intent is that the user should modify MicroStar to add whatever additional features might be needed. For example, it is almost completely devoid of print-time formatting features, such as dot commands, double spacing, and so forth.

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