
We present the first experimental vibrational spectra of gaseous oxidized derivatives of C60 in protonated and radical cation forms, obtained through infrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy using the FELIX free-electron laser. Neutral C60O has two nearly iso-energetic isomers: the epoxide isomer in which the O atom bridges a CC bond that connects two six-membered rings and the annulene isomer in which the O atom inserts into a CC bond connecting a five- and a six-membered ring. To determine the isomer formed for C60O+ in our experiment—a question that cannot be confidently answered on the basis of the DFT-computed stabilities alone—we compare our experimental IR spectra to vibrational spectra predicted by DFT calculations. We conclude that the annulene-like isomer is formed in our experiment. For C60OH+, a strong OH stretch vibration observed in the 3 μm range of the spectrum immediately reveals its structure as C60 with a hydroxyl group attached, which is further confirmed by the spectrum in the 400–1600 cm–1 range. We compare the experimental spectra of C60O+ and C60OH+ to the astronomical IR emission spectrum of a fullerene-rich planetary nebula and discuss their astrophysical relevance.

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