
The UCO/Lick Observatory Laboratory for Adaptive Optics charter goal is to advancing the state of the art in adaptive optics technology for instruments on the current and next generation of extremely large telescopes. We are investigating the architecture and techniques for implementing wide field adaptive optics systems for general purpose imaging and spectroscopy and high contrast adaptive optics systems for imaging extrasolar planets. The laboratory has two testbeds, a high contrast extreme adaptive optics (ExAO) testbed and a multi-guidestar tomography adaptive optics testbed. The later is reconfigurable between multi-conjugate AO (MCAO) and multi-object AO (MOAO) architectures. The testbeds are scaled to emulate 10 to 30 meter aperture telescope AO systems and allow systematic study of the performance and practicalities of such systems. Additionally, we are developing and testing new AO component technologies including novel wavefront sensors and MEMS deformable mirrors. In this paper we highlight the status and direction of the laboratory experiments and summarize the latest results.

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