
_ This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper SPE 212566, “Qualifying Bit Influence on High-Frequency Torsional Oscillations Based on Full-Scale Laboratory Experiments,” by Armin Kueck, Eliah Everhard, and Xu Huang, Baker Hughes, et al. The paper has not been peer reviewed. _ High-frequency torsional oscillations (HFTOs) generate dynamic loads that can damage drilling tools, resulting in cracks, twistoffs, or broken electronics. Recently, a full-scale drilling test rig was proven to generate verified HFTO behavior under laboratory conditions. This rig allows for a comprehensive study of the influences of bit characteristics on HFTO. The complete paper presents methods to qualify bit features to suppress HFTO. Laboratory Rig Setup Test-Rig Design. The full-scale laboratory test rig drills rocks in a pressurized rock chamber. Rate of penetration (ROP), weight on bit (WOB), rotational speed, pressure, bit type, and rock type can be varied. The simulator consists of an open-loop mud-circulation system with capacity for 200 bbl of fluid, two 1,000-hp triplex pumps capable of up to 500 gal/min, a hoisting mechanism for raising and loading the drillstring up to 10,000 lbf, a 1,000-hp rotary drive capable of up to 10,000 ft-lbf, and a pressure vessel rated to 10,000 psi. High-frequency measurement instrumentation, including in-bit vibration sensors, records the tangential accelerations and dynamic torque at various positions in the BHA. The mounted device can be seen in the top left photo in Fig. 1. Measurement. To initially characterize the frequency response of the system, an impact test was performed on the system in a suspended nonoperating state with roving accelerometers (sensors) positioned as indicated by the blue lines in Fig. 1. Also indicated are the free-end and fixed-end boundary conditions at the bit (left) and drive (right), respectively, as well as the point of reference impact. The data from each pair of sensors are then processed to separate the torsional motions from lateral. Because HFTO is a self-excited vibration, it must be validated that this type of vibration is actually excited in the laboratory setup. To demonstrate that the excitation mechanism is representative for the field, one of the test results was used as a reference. A laboratory investigation showed that the measured vibration matches characteristics of self-excited vibrations. Investigations in the laboratory will, therefore, lead to valid solutions in the field.

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