
Presented herein are the results of a laboratory investigation of the influence of turbulence and water temperature on the nature and rate of frazil ice growth in a turbulent body of supercooled water. The results indicate that the rate and the quantity of frazil ice growth increase with both increasing turbulence intensity and with decreasing water temperature at the instant of seeding, when a small fragment of ice is placed in the supercooled water. The turbulence characteristics of a flow affect the rate of frazil-ice growth by governing the temperature to which the flow can be supercooled; by influencing heat transfer from the frazil ice to surrounding water; and by promoting secondary nucleation, crystal, platelet and floc fracture, thereby increasing the number of nucleation sites available for further frazil ice growth. Larger frazil ice platelets, beginning as single crystals then becoming laminar fusions of crystals, were observed to form in water supercooled to lower temperatures. However, platelet size generally decreased with increasing turbulence intensity, as platelets with a major diameter larger than a certain value tend to break when buffeted by turbulence eddies. The investigation of frazil ice growth involved the use of a simplified analytical model, in which the rate of frazil ice growth is related to temperature rise of a turbulent volume of water due to the release of latent heat of fusion of liquid water to ice. Experiments conducted in a turbulence jar with a heated, vertically oscillating grid served both to guide and to calibrate the analytical model as well as to afford insights into frazil ice growth.

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