
In the present study we determined the Protection Time (PT) and Failure Time (FT) of the DMP lotion, which is synthesized and formulated in Iran and it was compared with other products such as MIP60 and Dimp31.7 lotions (commercial and current formulations of dimethyl phthalate) and trench pomade (a popular local repellent in Iran) against Anopheles stephensi Liston (main malaria vector in south of Iran) in laboratory condition. In this research which is an interventional and experimental study, the screen cage method was used to estimate PT and FT of repellents against An. stephensi. The following commercial formulations of chemical repellents were tested: Iranian DMP lotion (DMP60) (contains 60% dimethyl phthalate, 25% isopropyl alcohol, 5% twine 80 and 10% water), MIP60 and Dimp31.7 lotions contains 60 and 31.7% active ingredient of dimethyl phthalate and trench pomade (a combination of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) and DMP). Test was done on human volunteers. In this test some defined amount of repellents applied on human volunteer's forearm and then was inserted in cage against mosquitoes biting to determine PT and FT. According to the results of this research, the PT of Iranian DMP60 lotion against An. stephensi was determined about 274 min (SE = ++/-.04), which didn't have any significant difference with MIP60 and trench pomade, but it was significantly more than Dimp31.7. Furthermore the FT of DMP60 against An. stephensi was determined about 327 min (SE = +/-10.47), that in this case it had a significant deference with MIP60 lotion and trench pomade. The failure time of DMP60 was less than another two repellents. The Iranian DMP60 lotion can potentially compete with MIP60 and Dimp31.7, but to increase the FT rate, its formulation need to be improved.

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