
Two different experiments were carried out to evaluate the toxicity and insecticidal activity of the fertilizer, potassium sulfate against two species of green bug Nezara virdula, and leafhopper Empoasca discipiens (Paoli) infesting tomato plant. The first experiment was done in the laboratory to determine the toxicity of the tested material by spraying different concentration on tomato seedling in pots artificially infested with leafhopper and green bug while the second one was done in field to determine the insecticidal activity against leafhopper and green bug besides the phytotoxicity of potassium sulfate when sprayed at concentrations 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75% on tomato crop. Results obtained indicated that potassium sulfate showed high toxic effect against the two species of leaf hopper and green bug since LC5owere 8.9 and 8.6 ppm on green bug and leafhopper respectively, while the second experiment indicated that concentration 0.5% was suitable for controlling the two species of insect leaf hopper and green bug without any phytotoxic effect on tomato plant.

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