
Soil respiration is usually monitored by measuring CO2 efflux. Most techniques available for such kind of analyses are inconvenient and difficult to adapt to micro-method format. The present study evaluates a new microplate-based method for studying soil respiration in the laboratory. Second-generation oxygen-sensitive microplates (OSM - containing a fluorescent probe attached to the bottom of the well which provides time-resolved fluorescence data) were used to measure soil respiration either in microcosm assays or in soil water extracts. The latter procedure (water extracts) was the least cumbersome, hence it was selected for further experiments. Soil respiration curves generally showed no lag phase, starting with an exponential oxygen consumption phase, followed by a period where respiration became stable after 8–10h of incubation at 25°C. Once the procedure for measurement of oxygen consumption in soil was established, the acute toxic effect of diverse chemicals on soil was analysed with OSM. Streptomycin and penicillin failed to reduce soil respiration. Kanamycin plus neomycin, trimethoprim and 5-fluorocytosine exhibited limited inhibitory effects. In contrast, some chemicals (copper sulphate and amphotericin B) and fungicides (such as dodine and fosetyl) noticeably reduced fluorescence readings, showing concentrations to give half-maximal inhibition of respiration (ICR50) ranging from 0.0064 to 0.082g/L. Finally, some insecticides and soil amendments assayed were either neutral or increased respiration.It is concluded that OSM are reliable, convenient, and yield quantitative results. Moreover, the system is relatively inexpensive and amenable to automation. However, results obtained using soil water extracts may be different from those derived from undisturbed soil aggregates, clods or slurries studied under field conditions.

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