
Labor supervision policy is one of the important aspects of labor law enforcement. Through labor supervision, the state is present in an effort to provide legal protection for workers. Along with the passing of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the need to provide legal protection for workers is very important in an era of opening the demands of employment and investment. In the concept of Pancasila state law, labor supervision policy objectives cannot be separated from the country’s national objectives based on the ideals of Indonesia and Indonesian law. On the other hand, Indonesia’s participation in the AEC would bring consequences compliance with policies along the AEC. This paper analyzes on labor supervision policy in the Indonesian legal system based on Pancasila in order to provide legal protection for workers in an era of global competition. The study of this paper is normative with statute, concept, historical, philosophical, and analysis approach. The results of the analysis show that the policy of labor supervision as stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 Year 2003 and Ministry Labor of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 Year 2016 still have weaknesses in the aspect of substance, structure, and culture. These weaknesses have implications to the lack of legal protection for workers in the face of global competition.

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