
The Twenty-fifth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU] posed major problems with regard to the acceleration of the growth of labor productivity. In this connection the state five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR between 1976 and 1980 envisages securing the all-round growth of effectiveness of social production and primarily the growth of labor productivity through the acceleration of scientific-technical progress, through the intensification of the economy drive, and through better work in all elements of the national economy. The Tenth Five-Year Plan envisages that the entire increase in agricultural output will be due to higher labor productivity. The level of labor productivity on collective and state farms should rise at an average yearly rate of 28%. At the same time, the average yearly volume of gross agricultural output will increase by 16% compared with the preceding five-year period, which is higher than the average yearly increase in the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

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