
The article is devoted to one of the current problems of the modern labor market – youth employment. It is noted that today the main causes of youth unemployment are the mismatch of the volume and areas of vocational training to the needs of the economy and labor market, insufficient quality of training, unsatisfactory working conditions offered by young employers in specific jobs. All this requires immediate systemic transformations, both economic and social. Because youth is a component of the labor force, additional potential that may soon have a significant impact on improving the economic and social condition of the community and the revival of national and spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people. Young people have a significant advantage over other age groups of the working population, as they have a longer working capacity, better physical health and endurance, a high level of education, greater professional and migratory mobility. It is concluded that in modern conditions it is necessary to intensify the process of supporting business initiatives of young people, to encourage them to actively seek work and get a profession that is in demand in the labor market; develop and implement projects aimed at financing active measures to promote youth employment; conduct research to determine the specialties, professional skills and qualifications that graduates must have; include mandatory student internships in educational programs; to develop a mechanism for promoting part- time work among young men and women in their free time and the organization of experimental enterprises in universities and vocational schools; introduce a program of “job guarantees for young people”, which would provide that no later than, for example, three months after graduation, everyone should get a job; organize meetings with employers and former unemployed who have successfully found a job or started their own business.

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