
Derx (see Donk, 1972). Both possess single-spored basidia and, with L. simplicibasidium, may form the basis for a new genus in the Auriculariaceae. Laeticorticium odontoides Ryv. (Ryvarden, 1978) is not typical of Laeticor? ticium because it does not possess probasidial vesicles (this was noted in the original description) or basidia that are formed percurrently. The tropical distri? bution should be considered secondary to the nature of the basidium, which is the primary taxonomic criterion of the group of fungi under consideration here. Basidiospore shape and size and the presence of rudimentary probasidia (also seen in Dendrocorticium roseocarneum (Schw.) Lars. et Gilbn.) point to a position in Dendrocorticium.

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