
This paper proposes an analysis of VP fronting in the VOS Austronesian language Seediq in the theory of Labeling. In the same vein as Massam (Nat Lang Linguist Theory 19:153–197, 2001), I propose that verb-initial word order results at least in part from fronting the verb and object together in the VP when the object is indefinite and nonspecific, but the object vacates the VP when it is specific or definite in order to value case. Following this, either verbal head movement or remnant VP fronting takes place. However, I depart from Massam’s approach when it comes to the motivation for VP fronting. First, I argue that VP movement does not target [Spec, TP] but rather moves no higher than the edge of the clause-medial phase. Consequently, the motivation cannot be satisfaction of the EPP, as Massam claims. Secondly, I show that whether verb-initial word order is obtained through verbal head movement or phrasal VP fronting is a consequence of Labeling. In particular, I go beyond Massam’s approach and account for the fact that when the VP contains more than one internal argument, one of them must move to the case-checking position and the other must be pied-piped with the verb to the phase edge. Otherwise, it will not be possible to label the original VP.

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