
In this paper, we propose a novel transductive pseudo-labeling based method for deep semi-supervised image recognition. Inspired from the superiority of pseudo labels inferred by label propagation compared with those inferred from network, we argue that information flow from labeled data to unlabeled data should be kept noiseless and with minimum loss. Previous research works use scarce labeled data for feature learning and solely consider the relationship between two feature vectors to construct the similarity graph in feature space, which causes two problems that ultimately lead to noisy and incomplete information flow from labeled data to unlabeled data. The first problem is that the learned feature mapping is highly likely to be biased and can easily over-fit noise. The second problem is the loss of local geometry information in feature space during label propagation. Accordingly, we firstly propose to incorporate self-supervised learning into feature learning for cleaner information flow in feature space during subsequent label propagation. Secondly, we propose to use reconstruction concept to measure pairwise similarity in feature space, such that local geometry information can be preserved. Ablation study confirms synergistic effects from features learned with self-supervision and similarity graph with local geometry preserving. Extensive experiments conducted on benchmark datasets have verified the effectiveness of our proposed method.

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