
Protonic ceramic fuel cells are a promising technology for energy conversion and chemical synthesis in the intermediate temperature range (400–600 °C). Nevertheless, a major restriction to their wider implementation concerns their relatively high cathode polarisation resistance that can become performance limiting as working temperatures decrease. As potential new cathode materials, high order nickelates can be attractive candidates as they exhibit high electrical conductivities at lower temperatures due to their metallic behaviour. In the current work, we investigate the performance of La4Ni3O10±δ and La4Ni3O10±δ–BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ composite cathodes, deposited on a BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ (BCY10), proton-conducting electrolyte in the temperature range 350–550 °C. The study is performed in symmetrical cell configuration to permit separation of the electrode performance from the overall cell behaviour. For such experiments, possible internal short-circuiting of the electrolyte in oxidising conditions can arise from the presence of p-type electronic conductivity in the BCY10 electrolyte, causing underestimation of measured polarisation resistances. The current work corrects for such factors by knowledge of the transference numbers of the BCY10 electrolyte and the use of a parallel short-circuiting resistor in the equivalent circuit model. The results underscore that the cathode characteristics are highly dependent on the electronic leakage, especially at higher temperatures, and that suitable correction of data is imperative before discussion. Corrected values for polarisation resistance in wet O2 reveal the composite cathode shows an improvement of total polarisation resistance by a factor of 1.5. The analysis on the oxygen reduction reaction mechanism allows the rate-limiting processes between the electrodes to be differentiated, with the low-frequency term, corresponding to surface processes, being the dominant polarisation resistance and the most improved on formation of the composite. Overall performance analysis indicates that the results from this work are in line with some of the best cathodes currently reported.

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