
The aim of this work is to carry out a historic-philologic study of some central points of Vita Emiliani which answer to the following questions : why Braulius of Saragossa, one of the most important bishops in Visigothic Hispania, wrote about the life of Saint Millan, an hermit, a somewhat peculiar saint, with polemic showings and inconvenient edges ? What was the link of the high-ecclesiastical family of Braulius to the monastic center of San Millan ? Why was Braulius the chosen one to write the Vita ? How did Braulius react to that request ? Did Braulio intend to draw a national saint for the Visigothic Hispania ? Did Braulius want to make Millan an orthodox model against the Arrians and/or Priscillianists ? Was the Vita Emiliani written with an apologetical aim and texture ? Was Vita Emiliani born to have a liturgical function and use ? What kind of public would read Vita Emiliani ? Furthemore, in the two first points of this paper the A. tries to state the composition date of Vita Emiliani by means of discussing the pertinent data, and gives a succint panorama of the history of the authorship of Vita Emiliani

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