
SUMMARY:1. THE NEW INSTRUMENTS OF CONTROL IN WORKPLACE: THE VIDEO CAMERAS.2. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE AND THE RIGHT TO THE PROTECTION OF INFORMATION OF PERSONAL CHARACTER.2.1. The right to the protection of information of personal character: differential characteristics opposite to the privacy right2.2. Images like information of personal character and its treatment2.3. Right to information and the assent of the worker affected by the video surveillance2.4. The principle of the quality of data. The prohibition of incompatible uses2.5. The principle of the security of data2.6. The Sentence 29/2013 of the Constitutional Court2.7. The cession of data2.8. The ARCO rights in the video surveillance in workplacesa. The right to accessb. The rights to rectification and cancellationc. Consequences of the infraction of the LOPD in this area3. CONCLUSIONSRESUMEN: Este trabajo tiene por objeto el examen de los problemas que plantea la videovigilancia laboral desde la perspectiva del derecho a la protección de los datos. La Ley Orgánica 5/1999, de 13 diciembre y su Reglamento de desarrollo son aplicables a las imágenes obtenidas por los empresarios a través de videocámaras de sus trabajadores; pues bien, el análisis de estos textos normativos así como de la jurisprudencia dictada sobre la materia, en especial la STC 29/2013 de 11 de febrero, constituyen el contenido principal de este estudio.ABSTRACT: This work focuses on workplace video surveillance and its implications from the viewpoint of the right to the protection of personal data. Organic Law 5/1999 and its development regulation applies to the images obtained by employers through use of video cameras. The analysis of these legal texts and of the jurisprudence, particularly of the Constitutional Court sentence of 11 February 2013, is the subject of this study.

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