
While quite a few writing endeavors were sparked by the Paris attacks of 2015, both Philippe Lançon, whose Le Lambeau came out in 2018, and Erwan Larher, whose Le Livre que je ne voulais pas écrire came out in 2017, were already seasoned writers who were personally affected by these attacks. Philippe Lançon, in the offices of Charlie Hebdo, and Erwan Larher, at the Bataclan, survived badly wounded. They came back to writing, in a vital move that is explored here. How does a victim become a bard? Through what metamorphoses? What constructs? To what extent can the threads of writing be made whole again? What are the reconfigurations that could make a return to writing conceivable? And what shape(s) would this take? In short: to what continuities and discontinuities, to what constancy and what fractures do Philippe Lançon’s and Erwan Larher’s accounts bear witness?

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