
The La-substitution and pressure effects on antiferromagnet CeCoSi with a tetragonal crystal structure were investigated in order to clarify the origin of the pressure induced ordered phase (PIOP) with an enormously high transition temperature of T0 ∼ 38 K. By substituting Ce with La, the PIOP shifts to high pressures, and the maximum value of T0 is suppressed, indicating that the PIOP originates from a Ce–Ce interaction. At T0, the magnetic susceptibility exhibits not a cusp, but an increase with decreasing temperature, as is frequently observed in antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) ordering. Based on these results, we propose that a possible origin of the PIOP is an AFQ ordered phase of Ce-4f electron. Due to the lack of local inversion symmetry at the Ce sites, the AFQ order could be accompanied by odd parity multipolar moments. Since there is no clear evidence of successive transitions below T0, the remaining Kramers degeneracy could be lifted by the Kondo coupling.

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