
The Challenge of the Sexual Labyrinth Sensuality in the Work of Italo CalvinoIn this article, the novels, stories and essays of Italo Calvino are being studied from the perspective of sensuality and Eros. In literary criticism Calvino’s work is rarely being associated with sexuality, even though the subject did fuel the imagination of the writer himself. Calvino recognized the importance of the theme of sexuality in literature as well as the challenge inherent in trying to depict faithfully a similar ineffable subject, that has, moreover, been covered by society under a thick layer of clichés and repetitive language and therefore been emptied of meaning. The importance of a non-banal, renewing sexuality in literature inspired Calvino to experiment in a light, humorous, surprising way with a myriad of forms of literary sensuality. Calvino has searched Eros in space, as the prime mover in evolution, amongst animals and celestial bodies (instead of the usual heavenly bodies), in rituals and objects, in the heads of his characters, but seldom there where the reader would expect it to be. In a mild and often indirect way Calvino integrates his reflections on the subject in his short stories and comments on the role of sexuality in modern society and literature.


  • The novels, stories and essays of Italo Calvino are being studied from the perspective of sensuality and Eros

  • The importance of a non-banal, renewing sexuality in literature inspired Calvino to experiment in a light, humorous, surprising way with a myriad of forms of literary sensuality

  • Come abbiamo tentato di mostrare in questo articolo, l’intellettuale onnivoro e onnipresente ha scritto del tema in saggi, ha spiegato la sua ammirazione per gli scrittori di una sessualità più indiretta e sottile come Ariosto, Thomas e Borges, ma è stato influenzato anche da uno scrittore nella tradizione di De Sade come Bataille e da una fonte alquanto sorprendente come Brillat-Savarin

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Come in quasi ogni campo tematico, anche quando si tratta della sessualità Calvino è spesso citato in saggi e volumi che trattano il tema dell’eros nella letteratura.[3] Tuttavia, a quanto ci risulta, l’eros nelle opere di Calvino stesso è poco studiato, tranne brevi accenni in saggi che trattano di altri temi e articoli sull’opera ritenuta più erotica di Calvino (Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore).

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