
At present, the psychophysical health of educators is anissue that has taken on increased importance, especiallythe phenomenon of chronic work stress, as it directlyaffects the effectiveness of their work. Hence the importance ofdetecting what factors can prevent this chronic exhaustion in theeducational field. This research aimed at answering this questionfrom an empirical perspective.To this end, a sample of 300 early education and primaryschool teachers from both public and private institutions of theArgentina was used. Maslach and Jackson’s Burnout Inventory(MBI) was implemented to determine the level of chronic stress.In order to assess two psychosocial resources of great relevancein the context of work, the Albert Bandura’s Teaching Selfefficacy Scale and the Job Satisfaction Scale for educators wereused. Overall, the perceptions of teacher self-efficacy and of jobsatisfaction are considered psychological resources that wouldact as modulators of chronic stress in the workplace, noticingmoderate and high values in the resources, but low levels ofburnout symptoms in the teacher sample evaluated.

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